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Why you shouldn't compare the vaccines

SONIA VITIELLO | the 22nd of Jan 2021

Take the vaccine or not? Which vaccine is better than the others? What is the best thing to do?
How to take action and fight a pandemic?

These are the trend questions during a pandemic, and here you can find the answers.

Vaccine or not vaccine, is this the problem?

Already two years passed since COVID-19 changed our daily routine, and restrictions are slowly giving us more freedom thanks to the number of vaccinations done worldwide.
We know by heart the names of all the vaccines used against COVID-19 and we already know which one is better than the other. Do we?
There’s been a lot of media speculation about which vaccine is the most effective, many opinions and so much confusion.
The last assumption was made In early March 2021 when over 6000 doses of the Johnson & Johnson were destinated to Michigan but the mayor denied the shipment:

No thanks, I want the BEST for my citizens, Moderna and Pfitzer are the BEST

Here goes the best vaccine

What made him and most of the worldwide population sure that Moderna and Pfitzer are the best vaccines around?

Actually, the only information we have about vaccines is given by the mass media, and what is considered is the efficacy linked to the time of diffusion of the virus.

To better understand, let's consider that Moderna and Pfitzer's trials were administrated at the time that the cases of Covid were lower. The opposite happened with the administration of the other vaccines such as AstraZeneca, J&J, Novavax, etc that were administrated when the COVID-19 cases rate was higher, meaning a lower efficacy rate.

This means just one thing, and is confirmed by many scientists and specialists just like Deborah Fuller from the Department of Microbiology at the University of Washington
The best vaccine for you is the one that you are offered

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